The Wish List
Stay ahead of the fashion curve
The Wish List
Stay ahead of the fashion curve
The Wishlist is a Kuwait-based online platform that connects brand and retailers to customers.
Join The Wish List community and get 15% off!
Explore the finest selection of designer clothing, hair and beauty products, shoes, bags, and accessories for women and kids.
From elegant dresses and trendy tops to luxurious coats and stylish activewear, pick and choose from a wide range of fashion-forward options to suit every taste and occasion.
How do I get the offer?
- 1
Open your Weyay account
- 2
Top-up your Weyay account
- 3
Use promo code found in the app while paying at "THE WISH LIST" website and application
Terms & Conditions
- Offer applies to any Weyay customer
- Customers have to pay using Weyay card
- The offer is only applicaple to purchases made on the "THE WISH LIST" website and application
- Customers can use the code as many times as they want